Is Time Travel Possible?
Continued from: Quantum Time Travel
In other words, if a time traveler tried to change the past, the past would find a way to correct the change and prevent a paradox. Thus anyone traveling back in time could try to change history but anything they do in the past will not affect the present or future even by the slightest change. Physics is governed by the laws of nature and to this date science has not once found a way in which nature would allow a paradox to exist.
However, many scientists now believe the concept of time travel into the future is theoretically plausible because skipping forward into time will not create paradoxes. Stephen Hawking addressed the issue with respect to research by Albert Einstein and the basic laws of how time works. Einstein demonstrated that mass creates a drag on the space-time continuum. The more mass, the greater it slows relative time. Hawking pointed out scientific evidence of mass affecting time by referring to the global positioning satellite system. Each of the 31 GPS satellites have a very precise atomic clock for measuring their location in space relative to time, and those clocks need to make constant adjustments on a daily basis to stay in sync with clocks on Earth running slightly slower.
Given this evidence, Hawking believes it is possible to travel into the future. He presumes that by sending a spacecraft to orbit the massive black hole in the center of the Milky Way, anyone on board would age at least half as fast as those on Earth during the same time period, due to the black hole's gigantic mass dragging on time. Stephen also suggests a less dangerous approach to travel into the future by simply traveling as close to the speed of light as possible for a set period of time.
Physics laws depend on light traveling at a constant velocity anywhere in the universe and that its speed cannot be surpassed. Theory states at the moment anything becomes close to exceeding the speed of light, time itself will slow it down to maintain the constant law. Meaning that if an object was traveling close to the speed of light with passengers on board, and one of the passengers tries to run forward, time will slow the passenger down to ensure they are not exceeding the constant.
Hawking's theory of traveling into the future may have a vital flaw though. Just as he describes travel to the past to be impossible due to the creation of paradoxes, traveling to the future may create paradoxes of their own too. The basis of this theory is called the future-self paradox. Suppose a time traveler seeking to alter the past, by preventing his grandfather from meeting his grandmother, instead traveled to the future to prevent his own death. The paradox shifts from eliminating himself from existence to a continuation of existence by repeating this action – Both sides must be looked at in the same light.
Traveling to the future using a large mass such as a black hole to drag on time is only affecting anyone close to the large mass and those further away continue to age at a time relative to their location. Hence, those in the craft are not seeing the future as originally cogitated by science fiction enthusiasts.
In essence the purpose of Sci-Fi time travel is to provide humanity with a means of altering the past and changing the future, or using information from the future to change the present. To prevent disasters before they happen and to positively change lives. Unfortunately if traveling to either the past or the future became possible, then the world would become an entirely different place.
Presume the big bang wasn't really a big bang at all, but instead imagine our universe was created from a very different origin not yet thoroughly explored by science – A black hole. What science does know about black holes is very limited and in fact it's probably really close to the same amount of knowledge about the origin of the universe. It's quite possible the big bang wasn't such a chaotic event spewing particles randomly in all directions, maybe our universe was pushed through a black hole 13.7 billion years ago, the very same way funnel clouds and water spouts work on Earth. We don't really know what goes on inside one although we're aware of certain observed properties.
Black holes bend light which makes it seem to disappear, they're assumed to deconstruct matter, and maintain a very dense mass quite possibly related to the sum of material swallowed by the vortex. According to the Law of Conservation of Energy, energy cannot be created or destroyed, which means a black hole to abiding by this law can only shift energy from one form into another, and not destroy it. What if black holes are space-cyclone access points to alternate realms in a Matryoshka universe.
Moving particles through the black hole to another attached layer works just like a wormhole is believed to be a shortcut in time.
Currently, there is a way for anyone to travel in time in the virtual sense, by accessing the human mind to recall past events. Depending entirely upon the individual, recalled events may be remembered in bits and pieces or become skewed while lacking sufficient detail. Since our brains use retained memories in order to access past information, the data is susceptible to influence of imagination.
Unfortunately fine details of events are sometimes easily forgotten although such controversial practices like hypnosis have been able to successfully recover vital information. Since we are capable of all or part of actual events in our past by using the mind's eye, perhaps there is way to access the past using technology developed to read retained memories. Maybe thoughts exist in their true reality through another dimension or perhaps as an accessible universe. Quantum mechanics suggests the existence of multiple universes and how mankind may be able to access these realms in the not too distant future. Usually these scenarios are played out with great advances in technology, super computers, and complex machines.